Odds and Ends

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What to give a Jewish for Christmas if you're a Christian! God bless us, one and all!!!

Speaking of Thanksgiving, you will probably want to get a head start on your Christmas shopping now to avoid the rush when October and November roll around! A bunch of people get nervous on Christmas if they have Jewish friends because they don't know what to give them. I think a really great gift is a blue tree (blue for Hanukkah) with maybe a little ornament to add a touch of personality. I found this perfect cross ornament that says "hope" on it and I'm going to give it to my neighbor. I think it's a nice way to show her I'm thinking of her on Christmas and I hope that someday she will find it in her heart to become a Christian.

1 comment:

  1. HomeschoolMomOfFourAugust 6, 2014 at 11:59 AM

    That is perfect! I like to use gifts to plant little "seeds" -- remember the Scripture about the mustard seeds? -- in people's minds. Even if they don't admit it to me like they should, it's a helpful little way to get them thinking the right way.
