Here are my helpful comebacks.
"From now on I'm calling the shots! I'm calling dibs on all the shots so I'm calling all of them from here on out and you don't have any more shots!!"
"News flash! The world doesn't revolve around you! You revolve around the world! It's called science and it's fascinating try it sometime!!"
"Maybe I will fax this and maybe I won't but it's none of your business anyway!"
"I counted all the times you got coffee and went to the bathroom today and it was 12 times and you better believe that I did 12 times more work than you today! Do the math sometime it's called science!"
These are great "zingers!" Or they would be if I had to work. But the Lord has blessed me and my hunny-bunny with the means to live a blessed life without me haveing to go out in the "world" to make ends meet, so.